The next European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology” will be held from 24.07 – 4.08.2023 at its new home at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Please visit
Information about ESU DH C&T is also available on social media:
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As we have still a small number of places and some scholarships left we extend the application phase to 16 June 2022. For some workshops we can, however, not take any more applications.
In order to avoid overlaps with DH2022 Tokyo the European Summer University in Digital Humanities 2022 will be held from 02 to 12 August 2022 (and not from 19 to 29 July 2022 as announced earlier).
The Summer University is hosted by the University of Leipzig and organised by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Burr, Institut für Romanistik, and her team, together with the Forum Digital Humanities Leipzig (FDHL).

You can find the list of workshops
The programme of the Summer University consists of: intensive Workshops (36 h) / 2 Hands-on sessions (4 h) / 2 Teaser Sessions (4 h) / 6 Lectures (12 h) / 4 Project Presentation Sessions (8 h) / 1 Round Table Discussion (2 h) / 1 Poster Session (2 h) / 2 Workshop Results Presentations (4 h) / Visits to museums, memorable places, libraries (10 h) / Community building activities (excursion to lake, communal coffee breaks, lunches and dinners). The Workload corresponds to 6 ECTS-Points.
The Summer University is directed at 60 participants from all over Europe and beyond. It wants to bring together (doctoral) students, young scholars and academics from the Arts and Humanities, Library Sciences, Social Sciences, the Arts and Engineering and Computer Sciences as equal partners to an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience in a multilingual and multicultural context and thus create the conditions for future project-based co-operations.
The Leipzig Summer University is special because it not only seeks to offer a space for the discussion and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences in those computer technologies which play a central role in Humanities Computing and which determine every day more and more the work done in the Humanities and Cultural Sciences, as well as in publishing, libraries, and archives etc., but because it tries to integrate also linguistics with the Digital Humanities, which pose questions about the consequences and implications of the application of computational methods and tools to cultural artefacts of all kinds.
It is special furthermore because it consciously aims at confronting the so-called Gender Divide, i.e. the under-representation of women in the domain of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Germany, Europe and many parts of the world, by relying on the challenges that the Humanities with their complex data and their wealth of women represent for Computer Science and Engineering and the further development of the latter, on the overcoming of the borders between the so-called hard and soft sciences and on the integration of Humanities, Computer Science and Engineering.
You can also visit the old website and delve into the ESU 2009-2021.