Workshops will be given by renowned specialists from Germany and other countries, who besides English know also other European and or Non-European languages. They are themselves involved with relevant digital humanities or infrastructure projects, are experts in methods and technologies which play an important role in the Digital Humanities, are conscious of the questions which the application of computational methodes to cultural artefacts pose, and have significant experience in the teaching of the respective competencies.
Expert*innenDie Workshops werden von bekannten Expert:innen aus Deutschland und anderen Ländern angeboten, die neben Englisch auch andere europäische oder nicht europäische Sprachen kennen. Sie sind selbst in relevante Projekte der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften oder Infrastrukturprojekte involviert, sind Expert:innen in Methoden und Technologien, die in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften eine wichtige Rolle spielen, wissen um die Fragen, die die Anwendung computationeller Methoden auf kulturelle Artefakten aufwirft und haben viel Erfahrung mit der Weitergabe der entsprechenden Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten.

Peter Bell
Peter Bell studied Art History, Economics, and Visual Arts at Marburg University. He was Research Associate in the DFG SFB 600 research cluster at Trier University, (PhD 2011), Postdoctoral Researcher at Heidelberg University, Research Associate at the Prometheus Image Archive at Cologne University, as well as group leader at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. From 2017-2021 he was Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and is now professor of Art History and Digital Humanities at Philipps University Marburg. He is also Principal Investigator of the DFG SPP 2172 „The Digital Image“ as well as speaker of the Digital Art History working group.
Dr. Peter Bell studierte nach einer Steinmetzlehre Kunstgeschichte, BWL und Graphik und Malerei an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Im Anschluss wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im SFB 600 der Universität Trier (Promotion 2011) und Postdoc an der Uni Heidelberg sowie Forschungsgruppenleiter an der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Prometheus-Bildarchiv der Universität zu Köln. 2017-2021 Juniorprofessor an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg und seit 2021 Professor für Kunstgeschichte und Digital Humanities an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Mitglied im SPP 2172 „Das digitale Bild“ und Sprecher im Arbeitskreis digitale Kunstgeschichte.
Alex Bia
Alejandro Bia is Vice Dean of Business Statistics and a researcher of the Operations Research Center (CIO) at the Miguel Hernández University (Elche, Spain). He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Alicante, a MSc and a BS in Computer Science from ORT University, a Diploma in Computing and Information Systems from Oxford University, and a Universitary Expert in Technological Innovation in Education diploma from the Miguel Hernández University. He is a frequent instructor of XML-TEI workshops and seminars in several parts of the world. He has participated in more than 20 publicly funded projects, in some of them as principal investigator. From 1999 to 2004, he has been Head of Research and Development of the Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library at the University of Alicante, the biggest digital library of Spanish literary works and one of the first projects to use TEI in XML format. He is a long-time member of the DH community (since 1999), and has been elected member of the TEI Council for three periods (2002-2004, 2004-2006 and 2017-2018) and of the Executive Committee of the former Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, now EADH, for two periods (2004-2008 and 2008-2011).
Alejandro Bia es Vicedecano de Estadística Empresarial e investigador del Centro de Investigación Operativa (CIO) en la Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche, España). Tiene un doctorado en Informática de la Universidad de Alicante, una maestría y una licenciatura en Informática de la Universidad ORT, un Diploma en Informática y Sistemas de Información de la Universidad de Oxford y un diploma de Experto Universitario en Innovación Tecnológica en Educación de la Universidad Miguel Hernández. Es un instructor frecuente de talleres y seminarios de XML-TEI en varias partes del mundo. Ha participado en más de 20 proyectos financiados con fondos públicos, en algunos de ellos como investigador principal. Desde 1999 hasta 2004, ha sido Subdirector de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes de la Universidad de Alicante, la biblioteca digital más grande de obras literarias hispanas y uno de los primeros proyectos en utilizar TEI en formato XML. Es miembro de la comunidad HD desde 1999 y ha sido elegido miembro del Consejo Técnico del TEI por tres períodos (2002-2004, 2004-2006 y 2017-2018) y del Comité Ejecutivo de la antigua Asociación para la Computación Literaria y Lingüística, ahora EADH, por dos períodos (2004-2008 y 2008-2011).
Barbara Bordalejo
Barbara Bordalejo is a textual critic, editor and digital humanist. She has worked at five universities on two continents and she teaches at the Department of English, University of Lethbridge. Dr. Bordalejo specializes in the development of transcription and encoding systems for primary textual sources. She has edited Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Darwin’s Origin of Species and has collaborated in the creation of editions of Dante’s Commedia, Boccaccio’s Teseida and 15th Century Castillian Cancioneros. She worked with Aengus Ward (University of Birmingham) in an Electronic Edition and Research Environment of the Estoria de Espanna and with Peter Robinson (University of Saskatchewan) in the Textual Communities Project, a tool for transcribing, collating and publishing texts. She edited the text of “The General Prologue” for the CantApp, an edition of the Canterbury Tales for mobile devices. Dr. Bordalejo is the chair of Global Outlook :: Digital Humanities, the secretary of the European Association for Digital Humanities, the Digital Curator Coordinator of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities and serves as part of the Editorial Board of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bárbara Bordalejo se especializa en edición de textos y humanidades digitales. Ha trabajado en cinco universidades en dos continentes y enseña en el departamento de inglés de la Universidad de Lethbridge. Bárbara desarrolla de sistemas de transcripción y codificación de textos. Ha editado los Cuentos de Canterbury, el Origen de las especies, y ha colaborado en la creación de ediciones de La Divina Comedia, Teseida, la Estoria de Espanna y Cancioneros castellanos del siglo XV. Editó el texto de „El prólogo generaal“ para la CantApp, una edición de los Cuentos de Canterbury para dispositivos móviles. Bárbara es presidenta de Global Outlook :: Digital Humanities, el secretaria de la Asociación Europea de Humanidades Digitales, Coodinadora de Preservación Digital la Sociedad canadiense de humanidades digitales y forma parte del consejo editorial de Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
Jason Boyd
Jason Boyd is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. He is also a member of Ryerson’s Master in Digital Media program and the joint Ryerson-York University graduate program in Communication and Culture, and currently serves as the Director of Ryerson’s Centre for Digital Humanities and the Treasurer of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities/Société canadienne des humanités numériques. Prior to coming to Ryerson, he was a Senior Research Associate and the Digital Projects Manager for the Records of Early English Drama (REED) project, an international research collaboration based at University of Toronto, Canada. He is a specialist in digital humanities, focusing in particular on digital text editing, project management and queer DH. He also researches and teaches electronic literature and digital games. Twitter: @jasonaboyd.
Jason Boyd est Associate Professor au département d’anglais de la Toronto Metropolitan University (anciennement Ryerson University) à Toronto, Canada. Il est également membre du programme de maîtrise en médias numérique et du programme d’études supérieures conjoint de TMU-York University en communication et culture. Il est actuellement directeur du Centre for Digital Humanities de TMU et trésorier de la Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques. Avant son arrivée à TMU, il était Senior Research Associate et responsable de projet numérique du Records of Early English Drama (REED), une collaboration de recherche internationale basée à l’Université de Toronto au Canada. C’est un spécialiste des humanités numériques qui s’intéresse en particulier sur l’édition de textes, la gestion de projets et les humanités numériques queer. Il mène également des recherches et enseigne la littérature électronique et les jeux numériques. Twitter : @jasonaboyd.
Carol Chiodo
Carol Chiodo is the Librarian for Collections and Digital Scholarship at Harvard University Library, where she manages the extensive contemporary and historical collections from Italy, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Prior to her arrival at Harvard, she was a visiting faculty member at the Department of French and Italian at Princeton University.
Carol Chiodo svolge il lavoro di bibliotecaria e bibliografa presso la Harvard University Library. È responsabile della gestione delle collezioni contemporanee e storiche provenienti dall’Italia, dalla Francia, dalla Germania e dai Paesi bassi. Come parte delle sue mansioni, si occupa anche di informatica umanistica applicata alle risorse della biblioteca. Prima di arrivare ad Harvard, era docente alla Facoltà di lingue francese e italiano all’università di Princeton.
Maciej Eder
Maciej Eder is the director of the Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences, and associate professor at the Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland. Co-founder of the Computational Stylistics Group, the president of the Committee for Linguistics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is interested in European literature of the Renaissance and the Baroque, classical heritage in early modern literature, and scholarly editing (his most recent book is a critical edition of 16th-century Polish translations of Dialogue of Salomon and Marcolf). For a couple of years, Eder has been focusing on digital methods applied to literary and linguistic studies, with special attention paid to computer-based stylometry and non-traditional authorship attribution. His work is now focused on a thorough re-examination of current stylometric methods and applying them to non-English languages, e.g. Latin and Ancient Greek. More on personal website.
Maciej Eder jest dyrektorem Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN w Krakowie oraz profesorem w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego. Współzałożyciel zespołu badawczego Computational Stylistics Group, przewodniczący Komitetu Językoznawstwa PAN. Jego zainteresowania obejmują literaturę okresu renesansu i baroku, zagadnienia wpływu grecko-rzymskiego antyku na literaturę wczesnonowożytną, a także edytorstwo naukowe (ostatnio wydana edycja to XVI-wieczne fragmenty zachowanego polskiego przekładu Rozmów Salomona z Marchołtem). Od kilku lat Eder zajmuje się metodami cyfrowymi w językoznawstwie i literaturoznawstwie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wspomaganej komputerowo stylometrii oraz atrybucji autorskiej. Od pewnego czasu zajmuje się gruntownym testowaniem metod stylometryczych i przystosowaniem ich do języków o innej budowie niż angielski, takich jak łacina czy starożytna greka. Więcej informacji na stronie domowej.
Stefan Gries
Stefan Th. Gries is Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), Honorary Liebig-Professor of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (since September 2011), and since 1 April 2018 also Chair of English Linguistics (Corpus Linguistics with a focus on quantitative methods, 25%) at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen. He is a quantitative corpus linguist at the intersection of corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and computational linguistics, who uses a variety of different statistical methods to investigate linguistic topics such as morphophonology (the formation of morphological blends), syntax (syntactic alternations), the syntax-lexis interface, and semantics (polysemy, antonymy, and near synonymy) and corpus-linguistic methodology (corpus homogeneity and comparisons, association and dispersion measures, n-gram identification and exploration, and other quantitative methods), as well as first and second/foreign language acquisition. Occasionally and mainly collaboratively, he also uses experimental methods (acceptability judgments, sentence completion, priming, self-paced reading times, and sorting tasks). Most of his recent work involves the open source software R.
Stefan Th. Gries ist Professor of Linguistics im Department of Linguistics an der University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), Honorary Liebig-Professor of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (seit September 2011), und seit dem 1 April 2018 auch Chair of English Linguistics (Corpus Linguistics with a focus on quantitative methods, 25%) an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen. Er ist ein quantitativer Korpuslinguist, der Korpuslinguistik, kognitive Linguistik und Computerlinguistik verbindet und der eine Vielzahl an statistischen Methoden verwendet, um linguistische Fragestellungen wie Morphophonologie (morphologische Blends), Syntax (syntaktische Alternationen), die Syntax-Lexis Schnittstelle und Semantik (Polysemie, Antonymie, Synonymie) sowie korpuslinguistische Methodologie (Korpushomogenitaet und- vergleiche, Assoziations und Dispersionsmasse, n-gram Identifikation und andere quantitative Methoden) und L1/L2 Erwerb und Gebrauch. Gelegentlich und meistens in Kollaboration verwendet er auch experimentelle Methoden (u.a. Akzeptabilitaetsurteile, Satzvervollstaendigung, Priming, Lesezeiten und Sortieraufgabe). Der Hauptteil seiner Arbeit verwendet die Programmiersprache R.
Yael Netzer
PhD in in the department of Computer Science in Ben Gurion University, 2007, on Computational Linguistics and Augmentative and Alternative Communication. MA studies in Hebrew Literature at Ben Gurion University. She is now a teaching fellow in BGU and Haifa and Tel Aviv universities, teaching Digital Humanities for Computer Science, for the Humanities and for archivists. In addition, works as a DH expert at Dicta, the Israeli Center for Text Analysis and in Elijah Lab in Haifa University. In recent years, Netzer develops and implements methods for digital personal archives, and is most interested in knowledge representation for archives, libraries and for the humanities.
ד״ר יעל נצר, דוקטורט במדעי המחשב ולימודים לתואר שני בספרות עברית באוניברסיטת בן גוריון, התמחתה ביצירה אוטומטית של טקסט בתחום של תקשורת תומכת וחליפית, מלמדת בשנים האחרונות מדעי הרוח הדיגיטליים למדעי המחשב ולמדעי הרוח, עמיתת הוראה באוניברסיטת בן גוריון ובאוניברסיטת חיפה ובתכנית לארכיונאות באוניברסיטת תל אביב. עובדת בדיקטה ובמעבדת אליהו בחיפה, שותפה במחקרים נוספים בתחום מדעי הרוח הדיגיטליים, מתכננת ובונה ארכיונים אישיים דיגיטליים ואוהבת שאלות על ייצוג של ידע בתחומים של מדעי הרוח
Jeremi Ochab
Jeremi Ochab is an assistant professor at the Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, and a member of Computational Stylistics Group. He graduated in theoretical physics and in English studies (specialised in translation). He conducts research on methods of data analysis, neuroscience, as well as stylometry and quantitative linguistics. Currently, his main interests are interdisciplinary applications of mathematical tools (analysis of complex networks, analysis of time series, random matrix theory) and machine learning. In the meantime he has translated several popular-science books into Polish.
Jeremi Ochab pracuje naukowo w Instytucie Fizyki im. Mariana Smoluchowskiego na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie oraz należy do Zespołu Stylistyki Komputerowej (Computational Stylistics Group). Jest absolwentem fizyki teoretycznej oraz anglistyki (specjalizacji tłumaczeniowej), a przy tym początkującym tłumaczem. Prowadzi badania skupiające się na metodach analizy danych, neuronauce, jak również na stylometrii i lingwistyce ilościowej. Jego obecne zainteresowania naukowe związane są z interdyscyplinarnymi zastosowaniami narzędzi matematycznych (analizy sieci złożonych, analizy szeregów czasowych, teorii macierzy losowych) i uczenia maszynowego.
Fabian Offert
Fabian Offert is tenure-track Assistant Professor for the History and Theory of the Digital Humanities at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research and teaching focuses on the visual digital humanities, with a special interest in the epistemology and aesthetics of machine learning and computer vision. He is Principal Investigator of the UCHRI multi campus research group „Critical Machine Learning Studies“ (2021-23), and the international research project „AI Forensics“ (2022-25), funded by the VW foundation. His most recent articles have appeared in journals like AI & Society, Media and Environment, and the Journal of Art Historiography, as well as in conferences like DH, DHd, CHR, and NeurIPS. He has given invited talks at Berkeley, UNSW Sydney, transmediale, Gaîté Lyrique Paris, HU Berlin, EHESS Paris, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, among others. He is also founding editor of Construction Kit: A Review Journal for Research Software and Data Services in the Humanities. Before joining the faculty at UCSB, Fabian served as Postdoctoral Researcher in the DFG SPP „The Digital Image“, Associated Researcher in the Critical Artificial Intelligence Group (KIM) at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, and Assistant Curator at ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany. Website
Dr. Fabian Offert ist Assistant Professor für Geschichte und Theorie der Digital Humanities an der University of California, Santa Barbara. Seine Forschung befasst sich mit der visuellen Seite der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften, mit einem Schwerpunkt im Bereich Epistemologie und Ästhetik der künstlichen Intelligenz. Er ist Leiter der Forschungsprojektes „Critical Machine Learning Studies“ (2021-23), unterstützt durch das Humanities Research Institute der University of California, und „AI Forensics“ (2022-25), unterstützt durch die Volkswagenstiftung. Publikation unter anderem in AI & Society, Media and Environment, Journal of Art Historiography, sowie im Rahmen von Konferenzen wie DH, DHd, CHR und NeuIPS. Vorträge unter anderem an der University of California, Berkeley, UNSW Sydney, transmediale, Gaîté Lyrique Paris, HU Berlin, EHESS Paris, und Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Offert ist überdies Herausgeber von Construction Kit: A Review Journal for Research Software and Data Services in the Humanities. Vor seiner Berufung an die UCSB war er Postdoc im SPP 2172 „Das digitale Bild“, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Forschungsgruppe Künstliche Intelligenz und Medienphilosophie (KIM) an der HfG Karlsruhe, sowie kuratorischer Mitarbeiter und Projektleiter am ZKM Karlsruhe. Website
Simone Rebora
Simone Rebora holds a PhD in Foreign Literatures and Literary Studies (University of Verona) and a BSc in Electronic Engineering (Polytechnic University of Torino). He worked at the Universities of Göttingen, Bielefeld (Germany), and Basel (Switzerland). Currently, he is assistant coordinator of the European Joint Doctoral Program ELIT and he teaches comparative literature and digital humanities at the University of Verona (Italy). His main research interests are theory and history of literary historiography and reader response studies. In the field of digital humanities, he focused on tools and methods like OCR, stylometry, and sentiment analysis.
Simone Rebora ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Letterature Straniere e Scienze della Letteratura (Università di Verona) e la laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica (Politecnico di Torino). Ha lavorato presso le università di Göttingen, Bielefeld (Germania) e Basel (Svizzera). Attualmente, è vice-coordinatore dello European Joint Doctoral Program ELIT e insegna letteratura comparata e digital humanities all’Università di Verona (Italia). I suoi principali interessi di ricerca sono la teoria e la storia della storiografia letteraria e gli studi sulla ricezione dei lettori. Nel campo delle Digital Humanities si è concentrato su strumenti e metodi come l’OCR, la stilometria e la sentiment analysis.
Peter Robinson
Peter Robinson has been involved in Digital Humanities for over thirty years. He drafted the original sections of the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines dealing with the representation of primary texts and critical apparatus, published in the “P3” Guidelines in 1993. The current TEI guidelines chapter dealing with critical apparatus (chapter 12) is still substantially as written by him. He developed “Collate”, a computer-assisted collation program used by major editorial projects up to the present day, though now superseded by CollateX. He is Bateman Professor of English at the University of Saskatchewan, has worked on and published editions in many contexts, and written widely on digital humanities, on textual scholarship, and on the texts of the Canterbury Tales.
Peter Robinson ha trabajado en Humanidades Digitales por más de treinta años. Redactó las secciones originales de las Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines que concierned la representación de textos primarios y aparatos críticos, publicadas en „P3“ en 1993. El capítulo actual de las TEI Guidelines que se ocupa de los aparatos críticos (capítulo 12) todavía está sustancialmente escrito por el. Desarrolló „Collate“, una sistema de cotejo computarizado; programa utilizado por los principales proyectos editoriales hasta el día de hoy, hoy reemplazado por CollateX. Es Bateman Professor of English en la Universidad de Saskatchewan, ha trabajado en ediciones en múltiples textos y ha publicado sobre humanidades digitales, ecdótica y los Cuentos de Canterbury.
Lauren Tilton
Lauren Tilton is an Associate Professor of Digital Humanities in the Department of Rhetoric & Communication Studies. Her research focuses on analyzing, developing, and applying digital and computational methods to the study of 20th and 21st century documentary expression and visual culture. Tilton’s first book Humanities Data in R: Exploring Networks, Geospatial Data, Images and Texts built off work applying digital humanities to the study of photography for the digital, public humanities project Photogrammar (, which she directs. Her scholarship has appeared in journals such as American Quarterly, Digital Humanities Quarterly, and Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Her work has received support from ACLS, CLIR, NEH, and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and she recently finished a stint at a researcher with the Library of Congress as a part of the Computing Cultural Heritage in the Cloud Initiative. She is the co-editor of Debates in the Digital Humanities series volume on computational humanities (University of Minnesota Press) as well as co-author of Layered Lives: Rhetoric and Representation in the Southern Life History Project (Stanford University Press) and Distant Viewing (The MIT Press), which are forthcoming. She received her PhD in American Studies from Yale University.
Lauren Tilton est professeure agrégée en humanités numériques au sein du département des études de rhétorique et de communication. Ses recherches portent sur l’analyse, le développement, et l’application de méthodes numériques et informatiques à l’étude de la culture visuelle des XXe et XXIe siècles. Le premier livre de Tilton, Humanities Data in R : Exploring Networks, Geospatial Data, Images and Texts est le fruit de son travail d’application des humanités numériques à l’étude de la photographie pour le projet d’humanités publiques numériques Photogrammar (, qu’elle dirige. Ses travaux ont été publiés dans des revues telles que American Quarterly, Digital Humanities Quarterly et Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Ses travaux ont été soutenus par le American Council of Learned Societies, le National Endowment for the Humanities et The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, et elle a récemment terminé un séjour de recherche à la Library of Congress dans le cadre de l’initiative „Computing Cultural Heritage in the Cloud“. Elle est coéditrice du volume de la série Debates in the Digital Humanities sur les humanités informatiques (University of Minnesota Press) ainsi que coautrice de Layered Lives : Rhetoric and Representation in the Southern Life History Project (Stanford University Press) et Distant Viewing (The MIT Press), qui seront publiés prochainement. Elle a obtenu son doctorat en études américaines à l’université de Yale.
Giovanni Pietro Vitali
Giovanni Pietro Vitali is associate professor of Digital Humanities at Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University – Paris-Saclay University and member of the board of Humanistica, the francophone association for Digital Humanities. Previously he was Marie Curie Research Fellow at University College Cork in collaboration with the University of Reading and New York University. His MSCA project, Last Letters from the World Wars: Forming Italian Language, Identity and Memory in Texts of Conflict, dealt with a linguistic and thematic analysis of the last letters of people sentenced to death during the First and the Second World Wars. From 2014 to 2018, he worked in France as a lecturer of Italian Studies at the University of Lorraine and the University of Poitiers. In 2018 he became an associate researcher at University of Oxford where he is the Digital Humanities advisor of the Prismatic Translation project (
He holds a Ph.D. in Linguistic Sciences at the University for Foreigners of Perugia and in Italian Literature at the University of Lorraine, in a dual doctorate international programme. His thesis is focused on the analysis of proper names, notably noms de guerre, in the works of the partisan author Beppe Fenoglio.
His main research interests centre on: Digital Humanities, Linguistics, Dialectology, Onomastics, Contemporary Literatures and cultural studies. In 2020, he published a new monograph on the language and themes of Italian political music entitled Voices of Dissent. Interdisciplinary Approaches to New Italian Popular and Political Music.
One of the main aims of his research activity is to describe the contemporary perception of cultural and social events of historical heritage.
Giovanni Pietro Vitali è professore associato in Digital Humanities all’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Université Paris-Saclay e membro del consiglio direttivo di Humanistica, l’associazione francofona per le Digital Humanities. Precedentemente è stato Marie Curie Research Fellow all’University College Cork in collaborazione con University of Reading e la New York University. Il suo progetto MSCA, Last Letters from the World Wars: Forming Italian Language, Identity and Memory in Texts of Conflict, si è concentrato sull’analisi linguistica e tematica delle ultime lettere dei condannati a morte durante la prima e la seconda guerra mondiale. Dal 2014 al 2018 ha lavorato in Francia come docente e ricercatore all’Université de Lorraine e all’Université de Poitiers. Nel 2018 è diventato ricercatore associato a University of Oxford dove è il consulente di Digital Humanities del progetto Prismatic Translation ( Giovannni ha conseguito un dottorato di ricerca in Scienze del Linguaggio presso l’Università per Stranieri di Perugia e in Letteratura Italiana presso l’Université de Lorraine, nell’ambito di un programma internazionale di cotutela di tesi dottorale. Nella sua tesi si è occupato dell’analisi dei nomi propri, in particolare dei nomi di battaglia, nelle opere dell’autore partigiano Beppe Fenoglio. I suoi principali interessi di ricerca si concentrano su: Digital Humanities, Storia Contemporanea, Linguistica, Onomastica, Letterature contemporanee e studi culturali. Nel 2020 ha pubblicato una nuova monografia sul linguaggio e i temi della musica politica italiana dal titolo Voices of Dissent. Interdisciplinary Approaches to New Italian Popular and Political Music per Peter Lang LTD. Uno dei principali obiettivi della sua attività di ricerca è quello di analizzare e descrivere la percezione contemporanea degli eventi culturali e sociali del patrimonio storico.