Lecturers 2021

Randa El Khatib

Randa El Khatib (@randaelka) is the Assistant Director (Open Knowledge Initiatives) of the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) and the Associate Director of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI). She is also a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Victoria. Her research interests include spatial humanities, open scholarship, platform governance, and early modern studies. Randa is the Managing Editor of Early Modern Digital Review, and her research appears in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Digital Humanities Quarterly, Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, and other scholarly venues. Further information can be found on http://randaelkhatib.com/.

Gerhard Heyer

Gerhard Heyer is emeritus professor at the computer science department of Leipzig University. He has studied Mathematical Logic and Philosophy at Cambridge University (with support by the Britisch Council), and General Linguistics at the University of the Ruhr, where he received his Ph.D. in 1983. After research on AI based natural language processing at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, he has been working as a systems specialist and manager in the software industry and a company of his own that was one of the first to develop a translation memory system.

His field of research is focussed on automatic semantic processing of natural language text. In addition to numerous publications on this topic – including the German text-book „Text Mining: Wissensrohstoff Text“ (W3L-Verlag, 32011, revised edition scheduled for winter 2021 at Springer Campus) –  he has also been conducting several research projects. Worth mentioning are in particular his contributions to the research infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences CLARIN-D, the joint work with GESIS on the DFG-funded interactive Leipzig Corpus Miner (http://ilcm.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/), and the application of machine learning for OCR and HTR (DFG-Verbundprojekt OCR-D, Koordinierte Förderinitiative zur Weiterentwicklung von Verfahren für die Optical-Character-Recognition).

Prof. Heyer is a member of numerous scientific advisory boards (including a.o. the KompetenzwerkD of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences) as well as advisor to the executive board of the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI), an adjunct institute of Leipzig University. He has also served as a member of the scientific advisory council of the GESIS Institute IZ from 1997 until 2006, and was a member of the GESIS Kuratorium from 2006 to 2007.


Gerhard Heyer ist Professor emeritus für Automatische Sprachverarbeitung am Institut für Informatik der Universität Leipzig. Er hat Mathematische Logik und Linguistik an den Universitäten Cambridge (M.A.1980) und Bochum (Dr.phil. 1983) studiert. Nach einem einjährigen Forschungsaufenthalt zur automatischen Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache an der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA), als Visiting Assistant Professor und Feodor-Lynen Forschungsstipendiat der Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung war er lange Jahre als Systemspezialist und Leiter von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufgaben zu Sprach- und Multimediaprodukten in der Großindustrie und einer eigenen Firma tätig , die eines der ersten Translation Memory Systeme entwickelt hat.

Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt heute liegt in der automatischen semantischen Verarbeitung von Text. Neben zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema – u.a. dem deutschsprachigen Text Mining Lehrbuch „Text Mining: Wissensrohstoff Text“ (W3L-Verlag, 32011, Überarbeitung bei Springer Campus 2021) – hat er in diesem Bereich auch eine Vielzahl von Forschungsprojekten durchgeführt. Unter den aktuellen Projekten sind besonders seine Arbeiten zu Forschungsinfrastrukturen (CLARIN-D), zur Informations- und Relationenextraktion aus dem zusammen mit der GESIS von der DFG geförderten Projekt iLCM (interactive Leipzig Corpus Miner, http://ilcm.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/) und der Anwendung von Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens bei OCR und HTR hervorzuheben, so u.a. im DFG-Verbundprojekt OCR-D, Koordinierte Förderinitiative zur Weiterentwicklung von Verfahren für die Optical-Character-Recognition.

Prof. Heyer ist Mitglied in zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Beiräten (u.a. KompetenzwerkD der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften) und Beisitzer im Vorstand des Instituts für Angewandte Informatik (InfAI), einem An-Institut der Universität Leipzig. Von 1997 bis 2006 war er Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Informationswissenschaftlichen Zentrums (IZ) im GESIS-Verbund, von 2006 bis 2007 auch Mitglied des GESIS-Kuratoriums.

Graham Jensen

Graham Jensen (@grahamhjensen; https://ghjensen.com/) is an INKE Partnership Postdoctoral Fellow in Open Social Scholarship at the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) and Principal Investigator of the Canadian Modernist Magazines Project (https://www.modernistmags.ca/). Previously, he was a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellow in English literature at the University of Victoria. His research interests include Canadian literature, modernism, literature and religion, and digital humanities approaches to open publishing and pedagogy. His most recent work is published or forthcoming in Canadian Digital Humanities, The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism, Myth and Religion, and English Studies in Canada.

Chao Tayiana Maina

Chao Tayiana Maina is a Kenyan digital heritage specialist and digital humanities scholar working at the intersection of culture and technology. Her work primarily focuses on the application of technology in the preservation, engagement and dissemination of African heritage.

She is the founder of African Digital Heritage, a co-founder of the Museum of British Colonialism and a co-founder of the Open Restitution Africa project. She holds an MSc International Heritage Visualisation (distinction) and a BSc Mathematics and Computer Science. Her research work explored the possibilities of embedding intangible histories in 3D digital environments.  She is a recipient of the Google Anita Borg scholarship for women in technology.

Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Reuters, BBC news, BBC Arts, Ntv, KBC and 3Sat.


Chao Tayiana Maina ni mtaalam wa urithi wa dijiti wa Kenya na msomi wa wanadamu wa dijiti anayefanya kazi katika makutano ya utamaduni na teknolojia. Kazi yake inazingatia matumizi ya teknolojia katika uhifadhi, ushiriki na usambazaji wa urithi wa Kiafrika.

Yeye ndiye mwanzilishi wa Urithi wa Dijiti wa Kiafrika, mwanzilishi mwenza wa Jumba la kumbukumbu la Ukoloni wa Briteni na mwanzilishi mwenza wa mradi wa Ukombozi wazi wa Afrika. Anashikilia Uoneshaji wa Urithi wa Kimataifa wa MSc (tofauti) na Hisabati ya BSc na Sayansi ya Kompyuta. Kazi yake ya utafiti iligundua uwezekano wa kupachika historia zisizogusika katika mazingira ya dijiti ya 3D. Yeye ni mpokeaji wa masomo ya Google Anita Borg kwa wanawake katika teknolojia.

Kazi yake imeangaziwa katika New York Times, Reuters, habari za BBC, Sanaa za BBC, Ntv, KBC na 3Sat.

Cristina Marras

Director of research at the Institute for European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (ILIESI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), she couples her research in philosophy, philosophy of language and digital humanities with activities to enhance the interdisciplinary dialogue through the exploration of different languages and technologies that favor the sharing of research methods, practices and results. She is currently scientific advisor for ILIESI of the project Cultural Heritage: managing the planning (Programma Operativo Nazionale); she was co-PI of the project Modeling between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice (Volkswagen Stiftung), and participating in the Parthenos. Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E- research Networking, Optimization and Synergies (Horizon 2020). She was member of the governing board and WP leader in the project Agora.Scholarly Open Access Research in European Philosophy (CIP-Pilot Action).

From 2010-2011 she has been Science Officer at the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg for peer review and quality of research. She teaches “Digital Humanities for Philosophy” at Sapienza Università in Rome, and is a member of the editorial staff of “Umanistica Digitale”, from 2014 to 2017 member of the Associazione Italiana per l’Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD) board. Among her recent publications: she is co-editor with F. Ciracì, Riccardo Fedriga, of Filosofia Digitale (Mimesis 2021); with G. Franzini, E. Litta, M. Passarotti of La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l’Informatica Umanistica. Atti del IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD (UD, 2020); with A. Ciula, O. Eide, P. Shale Models and Modelling between Digital and Humanities. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, in “Historical Social Research Supplement”, 31, 2018. She is author of: “Biodiversità ed ecosistema digitale. Per una filosofia plurilingue e multiprospettica” in Filosofia Digitale (Mimesis, 2021); “Migrazioni di tecnologie e linguaggi. Il plurilinguismo del progetto Andata e Ritorno (A/R): dalle parole alla materia” (CNR edizioni, 2019); “Sprachwissenschaft” in Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Rezeption, Forschung, Ausblick (Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019).

Web: http://www.iliesi.cnr.it/Marras


Dirigente di Ricerca presso l’Istituto Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee (ILIESI) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)a Roma, accompagna la sua ricerca in filosofia, filosofia del linguaggio e umanistica digitale con attività di valorizzazione del dialogo interdisciplinare, in particolare esplora i diversi linguaggi e le tecnologie che favoriscono la condivisione di metodi, pratiche e risultati della ricerca. Attualmente è responsabile scientifico per l’ILIESI del progetto Beni e Patrimonio Culturale: governare la progettazione (Programma Operativo Nazionale); è stata co-PI del progetto Modelling between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice (Volkswagen Stiftung); partecipa al progetto Parthenos, Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies (Horizon 2020); è stata membro del governing board WP leadeer nel progetto Agora. Scholarly Open Access Research in European Philosophy (CIP-Pilot Action)

Dal 2010 al 2011è stata Science Officer presso l’European Science Foundation di Strasburgo per il peer review e la qualità della ricerca; tiene il corso in convenzione “Digital Humanities for Philosophy” alla Sapienza Università di Roma. È membro della redazione di Lexicon Philosophicum, International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas e di Umanistica Digitale, dal 2014 al 2017 membro del direttivo dell’Associazione Italiana per l’Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD). Tra le sue pubblicazioni recenti: con F. Ciracì, Riccardo Fedriga, la curatela Filosofia Digitale (Mimesis 2021); con G. Franzini, E. Litta, M. Passarotti of La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l’Informatica Umanistica. Atti del IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD (UD, 2020); con A. Ciula, O. Eide, P. Shale Models and Modelling between Digital and Humanities. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, in “Historical Social Research Supplement”, 31, 2018. Tra i saggi più recenti: “Biodiversità ed ecosistema digitale. Per una filosofia plurilingue e multiprospettica” in Filosofia Digitale (Mimesis, 2021); “Migrazioni di tecnologie e linguaggi. Il plurilinguismo del progetto Andata e Ritorno (A/R): dalle parole alla materia” (CNR edizioni, 2019); “Sprachwissenschaft” in Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Rezeption, Forschung, Ausblick (Franz Steiner Verlag 2019).

Web: http://www.iliesi.cnr.it/Marras

Luis Meneses

Luis Meneses is a Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Director (Technical Development) of the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab at the University of Victoria. He is a Fulbright scholar, and has served on the board of the TEI Consortium and on the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries. His research interests include digital humanities, digital libraries, information retrieval and human-computer interaction. His current research focusses on the development of tools that facilitate open social scholarship.

Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega

Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega is Full Professor of Digital Art History at the University of Málaga (Spain), where she teaches courses in digital humanities, digital cultural heritage and digital art history. She is the founder and director of the iArtHis_Lab Research Group, an international laboratory focused on studies of cultural analytics and complex systems; 3D modeling and immersive reality; and spatial narratives using GIS. Since 2018, she is also Deputy Director of the Cátedra Picasso Fundación Málaga, where she coordinates the analysis of Picasso’s graphic production using Artificial Intelligence technologies.

Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega has vast experience leading international digital humanities projects. Among them, worthy of note are the pioneering project Digital Mellini: Exploring New Tools & Methods for Art-historical Research & Publication, in collaboration with the Getty Research Institute; and the Exhibitium Project, devoted to enhancing studies on art history exhibitions from data science and cultural complex network perspectives. Together the research projects, she has written extensively about Digital Humanities from a critical perspective, with emphasis in the unbalances, neocolonial practices and new epistemological hegemonies embedded in the digital and postdigital culture.

Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega is also engaged with the design of new curricula to promote digital training and interdisciplinary thinking among students and scholars. One of the main outcomes is the Digital Art History Summer School (DAHSS), a joint initiative of the University of Málaga, UC Berkeley and LMU Munich, that she coordinates since 2016.
Since 2017, she is the President of the Sociedad Internacional de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas (HDH).


Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega es catedrática de Historia del Arte en la Universidad de Málaga, donde imparte cursos sobe Humanidades Digitales, patrimonio cultural digital e Historia del Arte Digital. Es la fundadora y directora del grupo de investigación iArtHis_Lab, un laboratorio internacional centrado en los estudios de analítica cultural y sistemas complejos; modelado 3D y realidad inmersiva; y narrativas espaciales mediante el uso de SIG. Desde 2018, también es la directora adjunta de la Cátedra Picasso Fundación Málaga, donde coordina la aplicación de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial al análisis de la producción gráfica de Picasso, entre otras cuestiones.

Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega tiene una vasta experiencia internacional en el liderazgo de proyectos de Humanidades Digitales. Entre ellos, merecen destacarse el pionero proyecto Digital Mellini: Exploring New Tools & Methods for Art-historical Research & Publication, en colaboración con el Getty Research Institute. Y el Exhibitium Project, dedicado a amplificar los estudios sobre exposiciones artísticas desde la perspectiva de la ciencia de datos y los sistemas culturales complejos. Junto a ello, es autora de una importante bibliografía, en la que destacan los textos en los que las Humanidades Digitales se abordan desde una perspectiva crítica, con especial atención a los desequilibrios, prácticas neocoloniales y nuevas hegemonías epistemológicas embebidas en la cultura digital y posdigital.

Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega también está comprometida con el diseño de nuevos proyectos curriculares que posibiliten una alfabetización tecno-digital y un pensamiento transdisciplinar. En este sentido, desde 2016 dirige el Digital Art History Summer School (DAHSS), una iniciativa conjunta de la Universidad de Málaga, UC Berkeley y la Ludwig Maximilian Universität de Múnich.
Desde 2017, es la presidenta de la Sociedad Internacional de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas (HDH).

Ray Siemens

Ray Siemens (U Victoria, Canada; http://web.uvic.ca/~siemens/) is Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Victoria, in English and Computer Science, and past Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing (2004-15); recently, also Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Loughborough U (2019) and Global Innovation Chair in Digital Humanities at U Newcastle (2019-22). He is founding editor of the electronic scholarly journal Early Modern Literary Studies, and his publications include, among others, Blackwell’s Companion to Digital Humanities (2004, 2015 with Schreibman and Unsworth), Blackwell’s Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2007, with Schreibman), A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (2012, 2015; MRTS/Iter & Wikibooks, with Crompton et al.), Literary Studies in the Digital Age (2014; MLA, with Price), Doing Digital Humanities (2017; Routledge, with Crompton and Lane), and The Lyrics of the Henry VIII MS (2018; RETS). He directs the Implementing New Knowledge Environments project, the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, and the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, recently serving as a member of governing council for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, as Vice President / Director of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences (for Research Dissemination), Chair of the MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions, and Chair of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations.


Ray Siemens (U Victoria, Canada; http://web.uvic.ca/~siemens/) est professeur émérite à la Faculté des sciences humaines de l’Université de Victoria en les départements anglais et informatique, et ancien titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en informatique des sciences humaines (2004-15); récemment, également Leverhulme Visiting Professor à Loughborough U (2019) et Global Innovation Chair in Digital Humanities à U Newcastle (2019-22). Il est rédacteur fondateur de la revue savante électronique Early Modern Literary Studies, et ses publications incluent, entre autres, Blackwell’s Companion to Digital Humanities (2004, 2015 avec Schreibman et Unsworth), Blackwell’s Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2007, avec Schreibman), A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (2012, 2015 ; MRTS/Iter & Wikibooks, avec Crompton et al.), Literary Studies in the Digital Age (2014 ; MLA, avec Price), Doing Digital Humanities (2017 ; Routledge, avec Crompton et Lane) et The Lyrics of the Henry VIII MS (2018; RETS). Il dirige le projet Implementing New Knowledge Environments, le Digital Humanities Summer Institute et l’Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, et a récemment été membre du conseil d’administration du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines, en tant que vice-président / directeur de la Fédération des sciences humaines (Diffusion de la recherche), président du MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions et président d’International Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations internationale.

Caroline Winter

Caroline Winter (she/her; @editrixcaroline) is an INKE Partnership Postdoctoral Fellow in Open Social Scholarship at the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL). She recently completed a PhD in English literature at the University of Victoria, focusing on British Romantic literature ,and is currently pursuing an MLIS at the University of Alberta’s School of Library and Information Studies. Her research interests include literature and economics, Romantic women writers, book history and print culture, and the Gothic, and she is particularly interested in intersections between library and information science and digital humanities. For more information about Caroline’s work, see http://www.carolinewinter.com.

Glen Worthey

Glen Worthey is Associate Director for Research Support Services in the HathiTrust Research Center, based in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Information Sciences.  Formerly, he was Digital Humanities Librarian at Stanford, 1997-2019, and was founding head of Stanford’s Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR).  He’s held many roles in the international digital humanities community, and is currently Chair-Elect of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Executive Board.  His graduate work was in Russian children’s literature at the University of California, Berkeley.


Glen Worthey es Director Asociado para Servicios de Apoyo a la Investigación del Centro de Investigación del HathiTrust, con sede en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign, EE.UU. Anteriormente, en los años 1997-2019, era Bibliotecario de las Humanidades Digitales en la Universidad Stanford, donde servía como fundador y jefe del Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias Digitales. Ha desempeñado varios papeles en la comunidad internacional de las humanidades digitales, y actualmente es Presidente electo de la Junta Ejecutiva de la Alianza de Organizaciones de Humanidades Digitales (ADHO). Hizo estudios posgrados en literatura infantil rusa en la Universidad de California en Berkeley.


Глен Уорти работает Замдиректором по поддержке исследований в Исследовательском Центре при консорциуме «HathiTrust», расположенном на Факультете Информатики в Иллинойсском университете в Урбане-Шампейне, США. С 1997 по 2019 гг. он был Библиотекарем по цифровым гуманитарным наукам в Стэнфордском университете, где основал Центр междисциплинарных цифровых исследований, которым и руководил. На протяжении многих лет он занимал различные должности в международном сообщества цифровых гуманитариев, и в настоящее время является Избранным президентом Исполнительного комитета Альянса организаций по цифровым гуманитарным наукам (ADHO). Посветил свою аспирантуру изучению русской детской литературы в Калифорнийском университете в Беркли.